domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2012

Cronopiando à la Cortazar - The Round Tannins

The Round Tannins are distant relatives of the Nappies. The distance isn´t that huge, I must clarify, as they inherited the oval body and the tiny aspect. They come from the very dinstinct category of those who didn´t leave the ancient caverns. They prefered to watch the shadow projections on the walls and to jump in pantomime, the great fun. Inebriate is the Round Tannins eyes´colour, what difference them of the stubborn retinas of the Nappies. People say that the Tannins love to jump from cushion to cushion, although their round contours are better appropriate to somersaults championships. Here we have their biggest annual event: while the Nappies dispute over who wakes up the earliest and the afghans fight bravely to see who gets the blue kite, the Round Tannins devote themselves to the somersault art. 

Another activity that they please is to colour the eyes of distracted couples. When you least expect it, everything around goes slower. The Tannins are tricksy. The old races among trees gave them a great agility to hide clocks and timepieces. The hours the way we know just disappear and the time starts to be measured in continued fractions of joy. There are rumors that the Round Tannins are nourished by light. And by complicities kept in a kiss.

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